How to Wake up Inspired
Waking up on the right side of the bed has been a learned skill set. I am a night owl it is effortless to stay up till 1 am working on various creative projects. But when the alarm rings at 6:30 am it is definitely not effortless to spring out of bed feeling inspired and joyful to be alive.
I find once I make it over what I call the curve of waking up I am fine it is getting through the that 5-15 minute curve that is most challenging. Here is what works for me. When I open my eyes I use various affirmations my favorite one right now is "I feel amazing." This is definitely not what I feel when I first awaken but I say it anyway. Next I am sure to stay in the present moment, connect with my senses rather than reviewing the day ahead or previewing the day before. This may include enjoying petting my two playful cats (who are thrilled I am out of bed), savoring my soy cappuccino, and listening to the birds.
While in the shower I set my intention for the day. What I want to happen. If I have a meeting that I am stressed about I will set my intention for the best expectation possible. Next I spend 15 minutes meditating. Ideally this is at home but if I am short on time I practice this on the bus or casual carpool. I arrive ready to work and be completely present for my day.
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