Eating for Energy
There is so much written about food but not a lot written about Eating for Energy. I aim to eat lots of veggies, fruit, whole foods, drink lots of water and avoid sugar. This is the aim.
Left to my natural brain I have a super sweet tooth. When I eat two bites of sugar I am giddy and happy. Then the crash. I am not crazy about the way sugar makes me feel. Then there is the cheese and bread or the big meals. This is a sure way to fog my brain and make me super sleepy through out the day. Knowing this about my body makes it easy to eat healthy through out my day.
I eat fruit to start with a cappuccino. If I need some protein for a mid morning snack I will have some nonfat yoghurt. For lunch I eat vegetarian soup with a whole wheat roll. For an afternoon snack I can have some nuts or some low fat cheese with another cappuccino. Dinner includes a vegetable and a protein. Eating small portions helps keep my energy high throughout the day. The days I indulge in a slice of pizza or whole sandwich I am dragging for the afternoon. Or if I partake in the muffins or danishes available by coworkers I am done for the rest of the day, fog brain.
I like to stay fit but more of a motivator for me is to feel good. Eating light keeps me energized and feeling good all day. So when the next temptation comes, that piece of chocolate cake at 4 pm what keeps me on track is knowing how crappy I will feel if I eat it.
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