How to Get Clear; connecting the three hearts

You know the feeling you have after a day in nature, hiking, camping or maybe a day at the beach? I personally feel amazing, like all the things that had been troubling me are gone, my perspective is clear, and I feel inspired.

How is all of that possible from a few hours outside? One of the amazing gifts of mother nature is she naturally clears out your auric field and any junk you have been carrying around. Scientifically they have done studies that show how being in nature generates more negative ions in your auric field resulting in better health.

So how do you get clear every day even when you can’t be out in nature? One of my favorite ways to get this same feeling is to meditate. I have created a video for you How to Get Clear; Connecting the Three Hearts Meditation. (the meditation starts just after the 2 minute mark) It is one of the first techniques I teach clients for the coaching and healing work I do because the starting point for growth and to feel good is to get clear and connected.

Practicing this meditation on a daily basis will help you tune in to your higher self’s inspiration for your life, quiet the mind chatter, increase your vitality, peace, and give you an experience of connecting with your Spirit.

To begin, ask yourself how clear am I right now on a scale of 1-10?
Set the intention that you desire to be clear and connect with your higher self.
Just by doing this there is a palpable shift in your energy.
After the meditation, check in again on a scale of 1-10 how connected and clear do you feel?

Higher Guidance Sessions, Intuitive Coaching and Energy Healing are wonderful ways to go deeper getting clear, letting go of anything that no longer serves you. For an appointment email me at


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