What Type of Meditation Should I Practice?

There are many different types of meditation, I will highlight three, mindfulness, visualization and mantras. Within these three types there are many different methods within each. So how do you know which one to choose?

For me once I realized there was world waiting to be discovered within me I couldn’t wait to learn to meditate. I was a bit intimidated by all the Sanskrit terms and intensity of all of it. I would read books but never seemed to get around to practicing. When I began my healing training I worked with teachers this is when I began a regular practice. I began with a chakra healing meditation for about 10 years. This helped me heal emotionally, mentally and physically. It also opened my inner sight to see energy and interpret the symbolic messages. Next I practiced another healing meditation called the Flower of Life Merkabah meditation this opened my eyes to the multidimensionality of my being. When I moved to Oakland through a friend I realized that the Siddha Yoga ashram was just a few miles from my house. I went there to check it out and the energy there was palpable. The place and the practice had such a dramatic effect on my consciousness I felt elated. So for the last few years their teachings have been my practice. The key is to be open, playful, and curious. You may practice one meditation for a period of time and reap the benefits you need from that method only to move onto another as your soul guides you. So what are the different types? I have illustrated a few below:
Buddhism teaches mindfulness meditation. The practice involves focusing on your posture sitting upright and becoming aware of your breath to cultivate a peaceful mind. As thoughts float in your awareness you acknowledge the thought and can say to yourself, “thinking” and then return to your breath.

Visualization is another form of meditation. In my Saturday meditation group we will begin or end the open meditation portion with a visualization to enhance different areas of your life. Sai Baba teaches a simple yet powerful practice of lighting a candle, gazing at the candle with your eyes relaxed. Breath. Imprint the image of the light in your mind’s eye. With every breath expand this light to encompass your body and your energetic field extending about 2-3 feet all around you. Keep expanding the light to grow to fill your house, your city, your nation and the world. Go slow and enjoy the sensation of this light and the effects it has on you while you meditate. Another favorite is a chakra balancing meditation. If you would like to learn this one contact me and we can schedule a one on one session.
Another form of meditation is repeating a mantra. The mantra can be an ancient spiritual phrase or word that represents the divine. The intent of the practice is to give your mind something to concentrate on and in the process you go beyond the mind. You can also chant the mantra, which in my experience opens your heart wide open. When choosing a mantra you can keep it simple. For example, I am light or I am divine or you can learn about different yogic paths that teach a specific mantra. I learned mine with the Siddha Yoga tradition, Om Namah Shivaya meaning, I bow to the Supreme Being within me.
Whatever method you choose dedicate yourself to the practice for 30 days to see what the results are. Practice daily for about 20 minutes. Connect with others that are meditating and practice with them. This really helps you’re your dedication and are the reason I created my free Saturday meditation group available to anyone anywhere. And if after a month of practice you aren’t connecting to the practice try another! Happy journeys.


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