2012 Time to Live Your Passion

Happy New Year! 2012 is a year that has been prophesized about by the Mayans for thousands of years. The Mayans were ancient timekeepers who said that the cosmos moved in a procession of the equinox that took 26,000 years. This is the year that a new procession begins marking the beginning of a new era.

This year more than any we have seen in our lifetime holds the promise and power of new beginnings and possibilities. So what does this mean for you and me? Get on it! Go for it! Whatever the dream is that you have wanted to create for yourself now is the time to move on it. Not only is it exhilarating to live and express your passion it is also essential for all of us to show up in life and be the best we can be since we collectively create the pulse of this new era.

One of my passions is meditation and tuning into a higher state of consciousness to receive guidance, inspiration and grace in my life. This next year I am offering a weekly meditation on Saturday mornings that will take place on a free conference line so that anyone can attend free of charge from anywhere on the planet. My intention is to create ongoing support and inspiration for all of us to manifest and maintain alignment with our deepest desires this year. Email me if you are interested in attending and cheers to the next 26,000 years!


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