Revitalize at Work

Revitalize at work sounds like an oxymoron. Work is where you are supposed to get tired, work your tail off, drag your body around where your mind does most of the work. This does not sound fun but this is the story I hear in my coaching work every day.

What would a new paradigm of work look and feel like? Work is a place be creative, try out new possibilities, have interesting interactions and make a positive difference in your own life and others. Work is a place to look forward to going so I can continue to grow and fulfill my purpose and potential. Ahhh, I like the sound of this. Especially since people spend more time at work than any other place in their lives. We all know life is too short to spend days dreading Monday and living for the weekend.

So back to Revitalizing at work, for me feeling Revitalized comes from knowing I am in the perfect place that is best for me now, experiencing moving effortlessly toward my potential and purpose, and being present in the here and now.
The stories I hear in my coaching practice are, “when I get the “perfect job” I will be happy and energized.” This can be a real trap for people because all we have is today. What if you could feel happy and energized at your job right now? Not tomorrow, but now. The key is to stop fighting your situation and be willing to shift your perception.

Keys to creating happiness and energy right now in your work are to accept there is growth waiting to happen in your job otherwise you wouldn’t be there. Take the time to find out what that is. As soon as your learning is done you will probably move on or be promoted. Reflect on what beliefs do you have that relate to you being at this job? Are you willing to change them? What skills can you build in your current job to take you to the next level? Are you committed to working on these? The answers to these questions will give your work purpose one of the most powerful ways to Revitalize at work.

Create some space to reflect in your day, either at your lunch or your commute to get clarity around these questions. Practice being present at work, the opportunities and growth won’t happen if no one is there, and this is common at work. People walking around super checked out.

My favorite way to create presence at work is to practice grounding at my desk in a meeting or find a place to meditate for 10-20 minutes. Decide to be happy at work there will are plenty of opportunities to locate the unhappy people, avoid them. Make a commitment to find the highest frequency and return to it through out your day. You have the power to take charge of your experience, your destiny and your happiness, happy Revitalizing!


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